Elevation Coaching

Impact Coaching

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Elevation Coaching

Everything in your world is tied to your personal reality. As humans our “programming” can keep us stuck in a version of reality that leaves us powerless in areas of life that are important to us.

Are there areas in your life that you wish were different? Do you wish you could be more powerful in those areas? Do you want deeper, more meaningful relationships with those important people in your life? All these things AND MORE are available to you right here, right now. Mark’s coaching is designed to take you out of the space of feeling “stuck” and put you in a position of unlimited power in ANY area of your life.

Think about it – all high performers have a coach. As a matter of fact they have MULTIPLE coaches to guide them, to help them see things in themselves that they can’t see. Mark has the unique ability to strip away all the things that stand in the way of you having everything you want in this life – AND MORE!!

Click here to schedule your free introductory call and start your new life NOW!

Empowering You

Key Focus

Psychedelic Expert Guide

Psychedelic medicine has reemerged as an exciting tool in treating mental illness. Mark shares not only his knowledge, through education, but his personal experience utilizing psychedelic medicine. For the past two years Mark has been working in the psychedelic treatment space. His collaborative efforts have led to the creation of a comprehensive Continuing Medical Education training module for physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants allowing them to accurately and safely use ketamine (a legal psychedelic medicine) in the treatment of various mental health issues. Mark will educate you on the various psychedelic medicines and their current use and, importantly, their legal status. MDMA, DMT, LSD, Mescaline, Peyote, Ayahuasca, Ibogaine - all are important tools in so many ways.

Breathwork Coach

Breathwork has been used for thousands of years in many major religious and healing traditions (yoga, meditation).

Mark will introduce you to a specific breathwork modality that will take you out of “business as usual” and allow you to step outside the “programming” that dictates your behavior and response in your day to day life without you even being aware.

Using these techniques Mark will guide you to a new reality, one of power and clarity.”


Cannabis Expert

Cannabis has been used for thousands and thousands of years as a powerful medicine. It’s only in the last century that it has been wrongly maligned, for political reasons, but that has all changed. We now recognize, once again, the power of this medicine.

But it’s different, it’s not like other western medicines. Your physicians and other medical professionals aren’t educated in how and why it works in the human body and, most importantly, how to effectively use it.

It isn’t as easy as simply trying it. There are so many considerations unique to you and how your body works. You need an educated professional to guide you in using this amazing tool to regain and maintain your health.
Mark has the education and experience to help you in your journey. A graduate of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy’s Master’s in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics Program Mark was one of the first one hundred and thirty eight (138) people in the world to obtain this degree. He helps people use this powerful plant medicine to live a healthier life.


Meditation seems to be everywhere these days and rightfully so. In the past, if you mentioned meditation, people immediately thought of Indian gurus in flowing white robes or monks sitting in lotus position for months. But things have changed. There is a lot of interest in meditation these days, and it’s a lot more accessible than it used to be.

With the advent of functional MRI, we now know conclusively that meditation increases brain matter. A regular meditative practice can literally grow your brain. I don’t know about you, but I’ve certainly done some things in the past that have killed a few brain cells. Adding new ones sounds like a great idea to me.

Still, there is hesitation for a lot of folks. The most common things I hear are, “I could never sit still for that long” or “I would love to meditate but…” My response is always the same: Welcome to the crowd. My first experience with meditation was at a yoga retreat. It was a part of the experience, and it was hard. I flirted with it for the next couple years until, as part of a study at Harvard University, I was asked to try meditation to see if it would have a positive effect on my depression and mood disorder. Surprisingly, it did and I’ve worked to integrate meditation into my life ever since.

Our program will help you get started on the path to creating your own meditative practice. And just like exercise and nutrition, the best meditative practice is the one you do consistently. It’s all about repetition and consistency. Connect with me now for a free (30) minute introductory conversation!

Empowering You

Key Focus

Psychedelic Expert Guide

Psychedelic medicine has reemerged as an exciting tool in treating mental illness. Mark shares not only his knowledge, through education, but his personal experience utilizing psychedelic medicine. For the past two years Mark has been working in the psychedelic treatment space. His collaborative efforts have led to the creation of a comprehensive Continuing Medical Education training module for physicians, nurse practitioners and physician assistants allowing them to accurately and safely use ketamine (a legal psychedelic medicine) in the treatment of various mental health issues. Mark will educate you on the various psychedelic medicines and their current use and, importantly, their legal status. MDMA, DMT, LSD, Mescaline, Peyote, Ayahuasca, Ibogaine - all are important tools in so many ways.

Breathwork Coach

Breathwork has been used for thousands of years in many major religious and healing traditions (yoga, meditation). Mark will introduce you to breathwork and show you how to create a daily practice that will propel you to new heights!

Top (5) Benefits of Breathwork

  1. Reduces stress Because of the connection that breath has to the autonomic nervous system, breathing practices are a powerful way method of stress relief. As a physical modality, it’s more effective in high-stress situations than simply trying to “think” your way out. Stress impairs the functioning of the prefrontal cortex (associated with logical thinking). Tap into the breath first, and you make it easier to get back to problem-solving mode.
  2. Helps to manage difficult emotions There’s a reason why people tell you to “Take a deep breath” when you’re angry or upset. Taking control of your breath helps you to interrupt and redirect the flow of your emotions. The increased self-awareness associated with the practice of breathwork also helps to release tension and trauma stored in the body.
  3. Improves immune system Practicing deep breathing techniques regularly can actually help boost your immune system. This is largely credited to the effect that breathwork has on the parasympathetic nervous system, but it’s more than just being less stressed. Learning to breathe effectively improves your oxygen intake, lung capacity, and even your body’s ability to regulate its core temperature.
  4. Relieves and helps manage pain When we experience or anticipate the experience of pain, we often become tense. Breathing deeply, whether anticipating an injection or on the ride to the emergency room, helps to release tension and calm feelings of stress. It’s why mindful, focused breathing is a hallmark of every wellness and childbirth class (hey, any port in a storm).
  5. Increases self-compassion Turning your intention — and attention — inward can make you feel more connected to yourself. Breathing through difficult emotions makes you feel more capable of handling them. That makes it a great way to develop your trust and appreciation for yourself.

Cannabis Expert Guide

Cannabis has been used for thousands and thousands of years as a powerful medicine. It’s only in the last century that it has been wrongly maligned, for political reasons, but that has all changed. We now recognize, once again, the power of this medicine. 

But it’s different, it’s not like other western medicines. Your physicians and other medical professionals aren’t educated in how and why it works in the human body and, most importantly, how to effectively use it. 

It isn’t as easy as simply trying it. There are so many considerations unique to you and how your body works. You need an educated professional to guide you in using this amazing tool to regain and maintain your health. 

nurseMARK has the education and experience to help you in your journey. A graduate of the University of Maryland School of Pharmacy’s Master’s in Medical Cannabis Science and Therapeutics Program Mark was one of the first one hundred and thirty eight (138) people in the world to obtain this degree. Mark has literally helped a multitude of people use this powerful sacred plant medicine to live a healthier life. 


Meditation seems to be everywhere these days and rightfully so. In the past, if you mentioned meditation, people immediately thought of Indian gurus in flowing white robes or monks sitting in lotus position for months. But things have changed. There is a lot of interest in meditation these days, and it’s a lot more accessible than it used to be.

With the advent of functional MRI, we now know conclusively that meditation increases brain matter. A regular meditative practice can literally grow your brain. I don’t know about you, but I’ve certainly done some things in the past that have killed a few brain cells. Adding new ones sounds like a great idea to me.

Still, there is hesitation for a lot of folks. The most common things I hear are, “I could never sit still for that long” or “I would love to meditate but…” My response is always the same: Welcome to the crowd. My first experience with meditation was at a yoga retreat. It was a part of the experience, and it was hard. I flirted with it for the next couple years until, as part of a study at Harvard University, I was asked to try meditation to see if it would have a positive effect on my depression and mood disorder. Surprisingly, it did and I’ve worked to integrate meditation into my life ever since.

Our upcoming program will help you get started on the path to creating your own meditative practice. And just like exercise and nutrition, the best meditative practice is the one you do consistently. It’s all about repetition and consistency. Connect with Mark now for a free (30) minute introductory conversation!


We all know that exercise is good for us. We’ve heard all the reasons why it’s important to lead an active lifestyle. The second leading cause of preventable death (behind tobacco use) is a sedentary lifestyle, so not moving around can literally kill you. Yet why is it still so hard for most of us to get going? The answer is plain and simple: Habit. It goes back to survival. Back in the day, if you succeeded in living through the day, your brain said, “Good. Let’s do the exact same thing tomorrow.” That’s how we’re wired, to keep everything the same and to do what we did the day before. Breaking any habit is hard work but it can be done.

For me, exercise is truly life-changing. It can bring you back from the brink of disaster, which is exactly what happened to me in 2015. I was being treated at the Spine Center at New England Baptist Hospital for several years when I was referred for surgery to treat my two herniated discs. They had exhausted all other methods, including cortisone shots and an overly simplified exercise program that didn’t do much. Nothing worked and I was in agony everyday from the pain. Then a week prior to my surgery date, I noticed that I felt slightly better. I decided to call the surgeon and asked whether I should just get the surgery over with, or wait and work on getting better. His response was, “I don’t want to see you until you’re dragging yourself through my waiting room.” He knew that surgery really was a last resort with mixed results.

It’s moments like this where I felt like I could have gone down two different paths. I chose to get back to the gym. I dove into Crossfit with a vengeance and worked hard to strengthen my core. Since that day, I have had no back issues. But I have to be diligent. I know that if I slack off, the pain will return.

Sooner or later, we will all experience some kind of back issues. But that doesn’t have to stop you from living an active, happy life. Connect with Mark now for a free (30) minute introductory conversation!


Let’s be clear: We are nothing but huge, biochemical machines. Garbage in = garbage out. Or in other words, what you eat equals what your body feels and looks like.

Thousands of organizations and companies offer food and diet programs designed to help you lose weight and feel better. But the problem with any diet goes back to how we’re wired. We’re such creatures of habit that what we ate yesterday is probably what we’ll eat today and then again tomorrow. It might not be the exact same thing every day, but we all follow a repeating pattern. Then add in the fact that food is tied to emotions and memories, and it’s no surprise that changing what you eat can be quite a challenge.

My mom was a comfort food person. She had half a dozen favorite dishes handed down to her from her mom that she loved to cook, and we loved to eat them. The problem was that they were all carb-heavy and full of butter. And why wouldn’t they be? After all, we’re good Scottish folks from New England who love our yummy, buttery meals. To this day, when I enjoy one of my mom’s dishes, I remember her and my grandma. I’m brought right back to when they were still here. Try changing that emotional connection!

Paleo? Keto? The Zone? It’s not a matter of which one works best. The best diet is the one you stick with. Seriously almost all of them will have the desired effect if you stick with them. Pick that one and commit to it. But remember: You’re wired to keep eating the same things that you always have. When you slip up – because you will – be gentle with yourself and get back on track. The most important thing is to realize that you are perfect just the way you are. Who you are physically right now is absolutely amazing! When you get that – I mean really get that – you can come from that place of self-love and make any changes you want to how you eat.

Connect with Mark now for a free (30) minute introductory conversation!

A new you!

My Book

Ever wonder how you ended up where you are in life? Ever feel like something needs to change? In my book I talk about my personal experiences with navigating treatment resistant depression and the tools I used to create the most delicious life. You deserve a life you love!

Ready to get started?

Schedule a consultation now!