Keynote Speaker /
Master of Ceremonies

Keynote Speaker /
Master of Ceremonies


Live Psychedelic Breathwork Events

Mark is a dynamic, inspirational speaker known for his high energy presentations. Mark’s unique perspective and delivery is designed to allow people to access the unlimited power of their true nature. Accessing your true nature leaves you able to act powerfully in all areas of your life.

In this live event, Red Pill – Blue Pill, Mark takes you on a journey of exploration beginning with an overview of psychedelics and culminating with an hour long psychedelic breathwork adventure designed to leave you in a place of wonder and amazement.

“He’s like a straight shot of joy and happiness right to the heart of the audience! You’d be crazy not to have him in front of your group!!!”

The work


Keynote Speaker

Life is meant to be lived to the fullest and Mark is a testimony to just that.

“Right Here – Right Now” and “Just Say Yes” are his words to live by and he invites you into this magnificent way of life.

His keynote “Red Pill – Blue Pill” takes you through what it means to be human, how we end up who we are, and how peak experiences offer access to our fullest potential.

He shares his in-depth knowledge of psychedelic medicine and other powerful modalities which allow for living a life of pure joy and happiness.

To cap things off Mark takes you through a perfectly legal psychedelic peak experience of your very own -  RIGHT HERE – RIGHT NOW!

“Mark led a great event providing an overview on psychedelics, followed by an eye opening breathwork session. For anyone interested in learning more about psychedelic therapy, talk to Mark!”

Master of Ceremonies

Mark has served as Master of Ceremonies at many events over the last (20) years. His ability to engage the audience and create memorable events is unrivaled.

His high energy, laughter and joy are contagious and make THE difference between another lackluster event and one that will stand out in the minds of all attendees as one of the best they’ve ever attended!!


Educational Events

nurseMARK events are truly one of a kind and designed to leave the audience inspired and motivated.

Each event can be crafted to the audience - from healthcare professionals to everyday people interested in living a healthy life using the amazing tools available to us right here, right now.